Brian Kondracki

Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA

I'm a Ph.D. candidate working in the Pragsec Lab at Stony Brook University under the guidance of Professor Nick Nikiforakis.

My research focuses on web and network security. Specifically, I'm working on developing techinques to identify networked entities using characteristics of their behavior.

Before starting my Ph.D., I received my B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science, with specialization in Computer Security, from Stony Brook University.


May 2022

Our work on Certificate Transparency bots was accepted at USENIX Security 2022.

Jan 2022

Our work on post-publication news article headline changes was accepted at WWW 2022.

Nov 2021

Our work on MITM phishing toolkits was featured in Hacker News.

Nov 2021

Our work on MITM phishing toolkits won 3rd place at CSAW 2021.

Oct 2021

Our work on fingerprinting Android malware sandboxes was accepted at NDSS 2022.

Aug 2021

Our work on MITM phishing toolkits was accepted at CCS 2021.